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Organizers: | |
![]() | Department of Aviation Technical Studies of the Faculty of Aeronautics of the Technical University of Košice |
![]() | Slovak Magnetic Society - ZSVTS |
Venue: | Faculty of Aeronautics, TUKE, Rampová 7, Košice, Hall of the Scientific Board |
Conference date: | 5th December 2013 |
Guarantees: | Prof. RNDr. Pavol VOJTANÍK, DrSc., UPJŠ, KE, SR Prof. Ing. Josef BLAŽEK, CSc., TUKE, SR Assoc Prof. Ing. Jozef HUDÁK, CSc., TUKE, SR |
Program and scientific committee | |
Chairman: Vice-chairman: Members: | doc. Ing. Dušan PRASLIČKA, PhD., TUKE, SR doc. RNDr. Eva KOMOVÁ, PhD., TUKE, SR RNDr. Dalibor BLAŽEK, PhD., VŠB, TU Ostrava, ČR RNDr. František KOVÁČ, CSc., UMV, SAV, KE, SR Ing. Miloš PREDMERSKÝ, PhD., USS, KE, SR doc. Ing. Jozef PUTTERA, CSc., VA, LM, SR prof. Ing. Pavel RIPKA, CSc., ČVUT Praha, ČR RNDr. Ivan ŠKORVÁNEK, CSc., ÚEF, SAV, KE, SR doc. RNDr. Rastislav VARGA, PhD., UPJŠ, KE, SR doc. Ing. Ján ZIMAN, PhD., TUKE, SR |
Organizing committee: | prof. Ing. Josef BLAŽEK, CSc., TUKE, SR Ing. Mária JOZEKOVÁ, TUKE, SR Ing. Katarína DRAGANOVÁ, PhD., TUKE, SR |
Goal of the Conference The goal of the conference is the sharing of information about the research and development in the area of magnetic materials, magnetometry and sensorics. Within the framework of the conference SMAGS awards for the best final thesis in the Competition of the Š. Jedlík were be granted. Conference topics:
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Program and Book of Abstracts: The conference program and book of abstractscan be downloaded in the pdf version: S&M 2013 - Program and Book of Abstracts. Photo gallery: Photos from the conference are available in the Photo Gallery. |
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