Topics of the bachelor’s thesis in the academic year 2015/2016 |
Avionics Systems |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | ArduPilot |
Student’s name: | Martin FIĽKO |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Pavol Lipovský, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Technological procedures for Processing of Magnetic Microwires for Sensorics |
Student’s name: | Pavol MARCIN |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Assoc. Prof. Ing. Dušan Praslička, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Characteristics Measurement of Aircraft Model Engine |
Student’s name: | Jozef NOVOTŇÁK |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Miroslav Šmelko, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Air Transport Management – full time study |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Application Possibilitiesof UAVs in Controlled Airspace |
Student’s name: | Nikola FAGLICOVÁ |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Pavol Lipovský, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Ecological Aspects of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Operation |
Student’s name: | Martin MIADOK |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Katarína Draganová, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Utilization of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Meteorology |
Student’s name: | Emília UHRINOVÁ |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Katarína Draganová, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Air Transport Management – external study |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | UAVs Accidents and Incidents |
Student’s name: | Ján KATRENIČ |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jozef Hudák, CSc. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Analysis of Detection Possibilities of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Student’s name: | Andrej PRICHOCKÝ |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Katarína Draganová, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
Topic of the bachelor’s thesis: | Utilization Possibilities of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Armed Forces |
Student’s name: | Anna VAŇOVÁ |
Bachelor thesis advisor: | Ing. Katarína Draganová, PhD. |
Defence: | June 2016 |
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