Scope of the Department |
In the scientific area the Department of Aviation Technical Studies deals with the sensorics, diagnostics and on a long-term basis with the successfully developed magnetometry. It realizes basic and also applied scientific research. |
The basic scientific research is focused on the construction of sensors of physical fields, design of circuits of magnetic field sensors, digital signal processing, design of digital filters, navigation according to physical fields, measurement of physical quantities, neural networks design. In the area of aviation engineering the basic research is focused on the determination of mechanical material characteristics, mainly of the fatigue of metals, including metalographical analysis, in the area of motor diagnostics on the vibrodiagnostics. |
The applied scientific research at the Department is focused mainly on the construction of electromagnetic impulse systems, contactless diagnostics, analysis of ferromagnetic materials' and microwires' characteristics, on the analysis of electromagnetic smog and development, testing and calibration of various types of sensors. |
Solved scientific tasks |
Manufacturing and application of sensors based on magnetic microwires Magnetic microwires are not only a trend in the area of advancement of "spintronics" as a successor of a current electronics, but also a modern sensing element. At the Department research and development of microwire sensors of tensile stress, temperature and magnetic field is realized. Contactless versions of sensors allowing integration of a microwire directly into the structure of a tested object (for example of fiberglass laminate or other composites) have been researched and developed. |
Application vector magnetometry Original digital sensors of magnetic fields in connection with intelligent signal processing have found wide application possibilities in the special industrial magnetometers of HFT series and in the laboratory VEMA magnetometers. The last practically realized and tested version consists of a four-channel system with advanced functions, analysis and visualization of measured signals and efficient post-processing. |
Influence of new ways of modification of sintered materials (coatings of PVD/CVD types, DLC and laser) on their tribological characteristics With the development of automotive industry also the utilization of construction components manufactured by powder metallurgy has increased. These components (for example gear wheels) are submitted to contact fatigue and abrasive damage. Applications of surface modifications bring substantial improvement of their resistibility and increase their lifetime. Their replacement for compact materials brings plumbless economic savings. |
Basis for research, development, construction, testing and application of unmanned aerial vehicles One of the future key technologies offering new possibilities of innovative applications is represented by unmanned aerial vehicles. The spatial, material and knowledge basis enabling research, development, construction, testing, teaching and applications of unmanned aerial systems is a key assumption for a wide growth of this perspective technology and its advancement with the focus on the multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles is one of the long-term intentions of the Department. |
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